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Sell Pet Age Magazine’s BEST PRODUCT in your store, clinic, or pet care facility.

The fully adjustable, folds-flat Walkin’ Wheels is the only dog wheelchair that can be sold in stores, veterinary clinics, and other professional pet care facilities. Customers purchase one universal frame and a snap-in wheel kit based on the height and weight of their dog. Everything they need including a “How To” video DVD is included.

To become a Dealer, please fill out our Dealer application form and send it to us by email or fax.

Dealer Application Form (PDF)

Fax: (603) 589-7107

The Professional Kits

Walkin’ Wheels Professional Kit

Stores, clinics, and pet care facilities that want to keep a dog wheelchair on hand for sale or for internal use will get a Professional Kit. This includes:

1 – Med Frame
1 – LFR
1 – Small Cart
1 – 9X8 small wheel kit
1 – 10″ small connector
1 – 6X4 wheel kit
1 – 9X8 wheel kit
1 – 12X8 wheel kit
1 – 9X12 wheel kit
1 – 12X12 wheel kit
1 – 12X16 wheel kit

dog wheelchair professional kit

To use, select the correct size wheel kit, snap it into the frame, and fit to the dog. Each wheel kit is clearly marked with the correct size. You can reorder only the parts you use, so you always have a complete kit on hand.

Walkin’ Splint Professional Kit:

Any 12 splints, any sizes

– Walkin’ Carpal Splint
– Walkin’ Bootie Splint
– Walkin’ Hock Splint
– Walkin’ Front Splint
– Walkin’ Rear Splint


No-Knuckling Training Sock Professional Kit:

Any 4, any sizes

– Small
– Medium
– Large
– XLarge

No-Knuckling Training Sock

Custom Professional Kit:

Customize a Professional Kit that best meets your needs.

For Stocking Dealers:

Larger retail outlets and veterinary care facilities that specialize in mobility issues appreciate the advantages of our stocking dealer program. With this, you will have everything you need fill orders, regardless of size of the dog.

The Stocking Dealer Kit includes:

3 – Med Frame
2 – LFR
2 – Small Cart
2 – 9X8 small wheel kit
2 – 10″ small connector
2 – 6X4 wheel kit
2 – 9X8 wheel kit
2 – 12X8 wheel kit
2 – 9X12 wheel kit
2 – 12X12 wheel kit
2 12X16 wheel kit

Our generous stock-balancing program guarantees you’ll never be overstocked on a slow-moving size, while having sufficient stock to meet your customers’ needs.

Dog Wheelchairs sold in stores

Stock Balancing: Unused frames and wheel kits may be returned for exchange and credit if unsold. Customer returns, if any, can be easily refurbished for resale.
Help and Support: Wheels for Pets, LLCs or its agents may, at its option, agree to provide help and support to your customers. Dealer understands that such support may involve our recommendation that the product be returned to the place of purchase. In the event that we make such a recommendation, the Dealer is responsible for satisfying the customer. See complete terms.
Marketing Restrictions: Walkin’ Wheels (TM) is a trademark of Wheels for Pets, LLC. Dealers agree to honor this mark and use the (TM) symbol where the tradename is used. Dealers agree to use this name when marketing this product. If search engine pay-per-click advertising is utilized as a marketing method, Dealers agree not to bid on trademarked names or name which can easily be confused with trademarked names. Dealers agree not to purchase and use domain names that could be mistaken for the trademarked name.
Promotional Material: Dealer is invited to use promotional material from our website and family of websites including photos, video, customer comments, and more. Upon the termination of the Dealer agreement, Dealer agrees to remove all materials from their website. Other conditions apply; see Dealer Agreement.